During the past few years there has been a nationwide review of the support given to children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities. It involved education (from nurseries, schools and colleges), health and social care as well as collecting the views of pupils and parents. As a result of these consultations, a new SEND Code of Practice came into effect from September 2014 as part of The Children and Families Act (2014).
The Code of Practice outlines the responsibilities of Local Authorities, educational settings, health and social care to support children and young people with special educational needs, including those who are disabled, between birth and 25 years of age.
What does this mean for children and young people in Cambridgeshire?
From September 2014, every Local Authority must publish a local offer which sets out the provision which should be available in their area for children and young people (from 0-25 years) who have special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
Schools will also publish their own local offer as well as an annual SEND Information Report, which will outline what individual schools are able to offer in order to support children and families with SEND.
You can find out more about Cambridgeshire’s Local Offer on www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/send
At Park Lane Primary and Nursery School the Governors oversee and evaluate the effectiveness of what the SENCO implements.
Mrs Light-Rudland works at our school every Monday & Tuesday and her contact details are:
Miss Tansley works at our school all week and has teaching responsibilities as well as SENDCo. Her contact details are:
Miss Jones works at our school all week and has teaching responsibilities as well as SENDCo. Her contact details are:
Park Lane Primary School & Nursery
Park Lane
tel: 01733 203433